Peace, War & Social Conflict Laboratory Training
The Peace, War, & Social Conflict Laboratory (PWSCL) is designed to promote research on issues of peace, war, and social conflict through collaboration between scholars and rigorous usage on research methods. The lab is dedicated to promoting students and to help them gain research skills and experience. Given that research is the foundation of today’s economy we believe that it is imperative for students to gain research skills and experience in order to do well in the job market.
As a PWSCL Trainee you will learn how to use advanced research tools, learn about the research process and how to use research methods, gained research experience, be exposed to urgent issues and questions in the field of Peace, War, & Social Conflict, and learn about what it means to conduct research in the social sciences.
We at the PWSCL believe that learning by doing is the best way for students to gain knowledge and skills.
Becoming a trainee is easy. All you need to do is to register to SOC-3300 - 35991.